Plastic Poetry with O, Miami

Free PlasticCommunity, News

First of all, a huge THANK YOU to O, Miami for having us today!! It was such a great way to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day.

And, thank you to everyone that participated! We loved sharing a part of our world with you, and we can’t wait to see the poems you submitted. If you haven’t submitted them yet, email them here to be added to the O, Miami archive.

Thank you.

As promised, here are some links to the things we blabbered on and on about during the workshop. We organized them a bit to make it easier hunt through and share.

Our Links

Our Inspiration

Other Recyclers

State & Local News Articles

And finally, here is part of what we recycled today during the workshop!

785 grams (1.7 pounds!) of polypropylene from local beaches and our community.