Plastic Poetry on Key Biscayne

Free PlasticCommunity, News, Plastic Poetry

Plastic Poetry flyer

Join us this Thursday, February 18th at 7pm for the first installment of a series of online workshops that mashes up recycling plastics, plastic pollution, beach cleanups, public art, and of course, poetry!Join us this Thursday, February 18th at 7pm for the first installment of a series of online workshops that mashes up recycling plastics, plastic pollution, beach cleanups, public art, and of course, poetry!

Plastic Poetry is the latest project from Free Plastic & the O, Miami Poetry Festival. Plastic Poetry combines a virtual workshop about recycling plastic with a poetry workshop from O, Miami. Also, you will be invited to an upcoming beach cleanup on Key Biscayne where the collected plastic pollution will be recycled in to 5 inch tall letters to create plastic poems to be installed on the facades of the Miami Dade County buildings.

This workshop is free and open to the public. It will be held on Zoom with up to 100 participants on a first come, first served basis. Questions may be asked during the workshop via email ( or Twitter (@KBCitSci), and will be answered at the end of the workshop.

Meeting ID: 995 5643 8254
Password: 618238

Free Plastic is a nonprofit organization that farms plastic pollution from our local environment and upcycles it into usable objects and works of art. Plastic and plastic pollution are all around us, and Free Plastic harvests this powerful manufacturing material directly from the environment, then converts it into usable objects to cherish through the ages.

Thank you to O, Miami, Key Biscayne Community Foundation, Key Biscayne Citizen Scientist Project, and Miami-Dade County for the partnerships and support. Learn more at