The Children’s Trust | Battle of the Books Trophies

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Little Star trophies for The Children's Trust's Stay Home Miami summer reading program Battle of the Books

We made more trophies! This year we got to work with The Children’s Trust’s Stay Home Miami summer reading program Battle of the Books.

Twelve avid readers will receive our new Little Star trophies which are made from just over 50 grams of unrecyclable plastics in blue and fuchsia resin. That’s a total of 612 grams, or 1.35 pounds, of unrecyclable waste recycled.

When we collect our plastics from cleanup events or community donations, we sort everything by type, and then by color. Any PVC (#3), unlabeled PET (#1), heavily contaminated plastics, and indiscernible plastics are removed due to the potential dangers involved in recycling them via heat. And, since our local recycling programs will not recycle these nor commit to keeping our recyclables out of landfills, these plastics are shredded together and stored for use in our trophies, coffee tables, lazy rivers, and epoxy wall art.

We cherish our ongoing relationship with The Children’s Trust and are honored to be able to work with them to fulfill their mission to improve the lives of all children and families in Miami-Dade County.

And, as a fun closing note, these 12 trophies pushed us over our 20kg mark! We have now officially recycled 20,429g (45 pounds!) of plastic from our local communities. Woohoo!!