Support Surfside

Free PlasticCommunity, News

Support Surfside
We don’t mention things outside of our Free Plastic life much, but we decided we needed to. Over the past week, we have had to cancel a few upcoming events and postpone production & delivery of some products, and we want to offer up a bit of explanation. 
Free Plastic is a small team, and it is a second full-time job for us. Since the devastating building collapse in Surfside, part of our team has been working around the clock to build, support, and maintain the Support Surfside Relief Fund. Coupled with some tricky personal-life situations, we have had to hit the pause button on Free Plastic for now.
As our role with Surfside begins to wane, we will resume our regularly scheduled plastic programming, including getting out some numbers & photos from an amazing cleanup last week; finishing & revealing our newest machine; revealing the mobile recycling laboratory; finishing up more Lazy Rivers & a new coffee table; and jumping in to help with cleanups throughout south Florida.
Until then, consider supporting those impacted by the devastating building collapse in Surfside, Florida. To donate & learn more, visit