Year One | Building Free Plastic

Free PlasticCommunity, News

Free Plastic | Year One Products

In the spring of 2019, Free Plastic was born. Our earliest functional efforts were spent doing research and feasibility of production processes. Shortly thereafter in June, we held our first public workshop at the Museum of Discovery and Science in … Read More

Plastic Poetry with O, Miami

Free PlasticCommunity, News

First of all, a huge THANK YOU to O, Miami for having us today!! It was such a great way to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. And, thank you to everyone that participated! We loved sharing a part … Read More

Free Plastic Lecture on Key Biscayne

Free PlasticCommunity, News

Join Free Plastic on Thursday, September 19th, 2019 at 7:00pm on Key Biscayne for our lecture on recycling community plastics and plastic pollution. We will be discussing how we can make a positive impact with local recycling of plastics. Nathan … Read More

Ocean Plastic & Precious Plastic

Free PlasticCommunity, Thermoplastics

We started Free Plastic when a few beach cleanup groups became connected with our for-profit design company. We supported them on social media, helped them with logos & media needs, and then got totally sucked in to their feeds. Day … Read More